Thank you, Jane!


Jane Birkin chose the Nord Finistère region of Brittany for its savage beauty. She bought her home on the banks of the Aber Benoît River on a heartbeat. But it was also in homage to her father, David, a former Royal Navy lieutenant-commander who visited the Breton coast often between 1941 and 1944 to leave supplies for the résistants and save English aviators hidden by local residents. When asked about her feelings for her adopted home, Jane Birkin replies that she lives here amidst kind people, and that she feels a link to them and their history through the story of her father. (JDD - 7 August 2011)


Focus on

Nolwenn Leroy is a Celtic singer whose latest album, "Bretonne", came out on 28 November. For her, Michel Izard visited the home of celebrity variety host Jean-Pierre Coffe and made kouign amanns, one of the singer's favourite desserts. Enjoy this episode of Vivement Dimanche with host Michel Drucker on 11 December 2011.